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…a passive defence, moving down the floor but not looking to steal the ball. Restrict the number of dribbles that the offence can take. Progress activity to contested 4×4 “Running the Floor” “2×0 / 1×1” 2×0 fast break situation, with players passing to their teammate if they are ahead. If…

…stationary, players should be encouraged to develop the ability to throw a chest pass, whilst on the run. Coaches should not stop activities to berate players for missing a pass, instead coaches should accept that as the mentality and skills of fast break basketball are developed, there will be mistakes…

…ball will help them to stop. Next, players need to learn to pass the ball to someone who is moving, but not directly towards them. There are many examples of when this will happen in a game, and it can be practiced anywhere on the court. Players must learn to…

…should be slightly bent forward, but keeping the “nose behind the toes”. In defence, the hand position varies depending upon the situation. Lateral Movement (“Big to Bigger”) When moving laterally to guard someone with the ball, players should be taught to use “big to bigger” footwork, sometimes called a “defensive…

Play with the ball Once the low post player has the ball, there are two options: If there is a free path to the basket, it moves fast and throws; If there is no free path to the basket, put “chin on shoulder” and take the time to LOOK. The…

…are not done all at the one time. Players cut, when the person next to them has the ball. Add defenders so that players now must react to the defender in making a cut. Here, the defender is in the “passing lane”, so that the offensive player steps high, shows…

…provides “help” to the “helper”. “Secondary Rotation” As x3 rotates, x4 must also rotate to protect the basket. They are now responsible for guarding Player 3. This is again an example of “help the helper” as x4 is now guarding Player 3. x1 must rotate to the top of the…

“Flare Cut” If the defender moves under the screen, in order to beat the cutter to the “other side” of the screen, the cutter should move toward the screen and then move away from the screen, so that the screener is between them and their defender. The screener may…

“Back Cut” The defender may step in the path of the cutter so that they cannot go over the top of the screen. The cutter steps into their defender (as if cutting over the top of the screen) and then changes direction to “back cut” toward the basket….

…with the ball being as aggressive as possible. If the person passes the ball the opponent may get an open shot, however such pressure can be effective as the player may not make an effective pass; If there are two defenders (e.g. defending 2 against 3 offensive players) one defender…

In this chapter, we describe the action of the two defenders involved in the screen and in Levels 2 and 3 we explore the team’s defensive schemes for guarding screens. Regardless of the type of screen, communication is critical to effectively guarding it. The defender guarding the player setting the…

“Pass and Cut” is one of the basic movements in basketball. When 1 cuts from the top of the key, they may replace one another provided that they have not gone past the free throw line. Once 1 has cut past the free throw line they must continue to move…

…“blind” by performing a reverse pivot. The double team may also be possible if the dribbler picks up their dribble. It is important that if x2 decides to double team that they do not hesitate and instead sprint to position. Even if it is not the “perfect” decision, by being…

…in the air or pivot quickly after landing. Outlet Pass – The Point Guard The guard should move to the sideline that is closest to the rebounder, and should turn their back to that sideline so that they are facing the defensive rebounder. Receiving the ball near the free throw…

…movement by players to ensure that players do not simply “stand around”. Retreat when the 2nd Defender Commits A retreat dribble can be very effective to releasing pressure. Keeping the dribble alive, the dribbler wants to attract a trapping defender, once that defender starts to commit, a retreat dribble can…

…Most Common Mistake The most common mistake made by young players, is that they do not look to pass the ball back to the guard. When the ball is initially passed to the wing (2), 3 will be initially open, however most defenders in x1’s position will move back to…

…may adopt a floating or sagging technique. This is one tactic that a coach may employ and one that players should be given the opportunity to adopt at practice, using both techniques in contested situations. Denying the Pass back to the Guard When the ball is below the extended free

…coach. The player performs a designated move. Initially, have no defender, however move quickly to using a defender in position so that the post player’s move must be realistic. “Catch and Score” A team mate passes the ball to the post player. Initially there is no defender, and then a…

…natured and not intended to hurt, however, being teased for not being as good, or missing a shot (for example), can certainly hurt their feelings. The coach must lead by example and make it clear that such comments will not be tolerated. Harassment is often subtle and can be as…

…activities: the greater their participation, the greater the psychological load; the novelty, variety and complexity of the tasks set during a session: the greater the degree of novelty, variety and complexity, the greater the mental effort required; the degree of attention demanded of them: an activity that the players are…

…a post player is not free, they should not follow the movement of the ball. In the diagrams following, the shaded feet are those of the offensive post player. Here the defender is on the “high side” of the post player, blocking an initial pass. If the perimeter player dribbles…

…those defenders are active on the split line – and they should regard it not as a specific spot, but as a “thick line”. Defenders on the split line should move in anticipation of what is about to happen. For example, if they anticipate that the player with the ball…

“Moving on the Pass” A common mistake made by defenders of all ages is being slow to move in response to the offensive play, or not moving to the correct position. Every time the ball is passed, all defenders must move, even if only a subtle adjustment of position (e.g….

…shown in the diagrams below, if the last defender simply runs toward the person that has the ball, this will allow a simple pass over their head to an opponent to score a lay-up. Accordingly, a player should not commit to guarding the player with the ball, until someone is…

Again, the defender of the cutter starts low, forcing the cutter to use the screen. The defender then goes on the other side of the screen, moving quickly to intercept the cutter. The defender of the screener has stepped into the screener, so that their team mate will cut…

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